Delivering a brand-centric experience, both in digital and physical platforms for a greenhouse manufacturer.

Sector: Built Environment
Discipline: Digital, Print
Location: Cheshire
The primary objective for the website was to highlight the different greenhouse models and drive high-quality leads and inquiries. The website also needed to effectively communicate the brand's unique selling points, such as its use of high quality materials and sustainable, locally made craftsmanship, to attract customers who share these values. The outcome is a website that portrays a leading brand image in a competitive market and inspires confidence in visitors to take action towards engaging with the brand.

Designed to guide visitors through a variety of model information, images and specifications to inform the visitor at every opportunity.

Enquiry Forms

For White Cottage, generating more enquiries was a key objective for the re-development of the site. While many customers prefer sending an email or picking up the phone, good quality and easy-to-use web forms can be a key tool in managing enquiries. 

Building good forms isn’t easy; they have to protect against spam, be accessible and only allow valid data though. We built two custom forms for managing brochure requests and general enquiries.

Filterable Galleries

Having been building quality greenhouses for a number of decades, our client has a large archive of imagery showing installations covering their complete range, in various sizes, colours and configurations. 

We helped turn this archive into a filterable gallery system allowing customers to see the complete range of greenhouse models and accessories in-situ, aiding the customers’ decision-making and the buying process.

Branding Consistency

Consistency is a key in building websites and a style guide is a fundamental and indispensable tool to help keep the design language consistent throughout the project. We create style guides for all the websites we code.

Our style guides vary in detail depending on the scale of the project but almost always includes a colour palette, typography styles and the most common UI components like buttons and icons.

Custom Icons

To make every aspect of their site in keeping with their new design and branding, we drew a suite of bespoke iconography to communicate different sizes and features.

These icons were also utilised within the printed price list brochure.

Optimised for mobile

Ensuring that the White Cottage Greenhouses website is optimised for all devices, both aesthetically and functionally. We optimised the website for all devices by making necessary adjustments for mobile and tablet accessibility.

Regardless of the devices the user is on, they will have access to the same information as on desktop, ensuring a seamless and optimal user experience.

Brochure design

Our team was tasked with designing two brochures for the greenhouse company. The first was a coffee table type brochure that stirred the imagination with evocative imagery of completed greenhouses. The second brochure was a comprehensive specification and price list that outlined model specs, dimensions, and a range of available upgrades.

To maximise the budget, we allocated most of it towards the coffee table brochure, using premium paper stocks and embossed logos on the front and back covers to create a visually striking and luxurious product. The remaining budget was allocated towards the price list brochure, which needed to be updated quarterly to reflect changes in material costs. Despite its ephemeral nature, the price list brochure was designed to be informative and easy to use, ensuring that potential customers had access to accurate pricing information and could make informed decisions about choosing the greenhouse that best fits their needs.

The Results

The new website and brochure have made a great impression since their launch. Effectively capturing the attention of potential customers and resulting in increased sales enquiries and online brochure requests.